1.20 Neighbors with Duane Reade

1.20 Neighbors with Duane Reade
The Barone Zone
1.20 Neighbors with Duane Reade

Sep 14 2022 | 01:26:52

Episode 20 September 14, 2022 01:26:52

Show Notes

Impractical Jokers Tower is climbing higher and higher across the street from the Barone Zone, so before the deep dive into "Neighbors," first floor tenant Duane Reade comes by to air his grievances, describe his merchandise, and drop off some supplies for the Big Prank. After that, the Barone Boys break down Season 1, Episode 20 scene by scene, read multiple IMDb pages to cover the episode's guest cast, and make Mike answer questions about Vatican II. Plus, Adam pronounces Treme wrong, Alex reflects on being dead, and Mike reveals the shocking cause of his breakup with Murrie.

Episode talk starts at 24:00.

Another big shout out to those of you leaving reviews of the show! We love you! If you've got some stray (loose?) observations about anything Raymond, find a few minutes to send in a hot take for Judge Debra or a precious Raymembrance to us on Instagram, on Facebook, on Reddit, or to [email protected], and check out this week's sponsor, Todoist at postfun.info/ads!

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